Tech is holding your great ideas hostage. Let's change that.
Dead-easy tech solutions that all online business owners need. From wrangling Google Docs to choosing the right email service provider for your unique business, these micro trainings have you covered. Best part? They’re all only $9
Are your funnel pages letting your fabulous offer down and costing you sales? Build a beautiful, conversion-optimized sales funnel with our professionally designed, modern ThriveCart templates for course & digital product creators
Want to attract perfect-fit buyers, have a wildly profitable launch, grow your affiliate army, and see a massive boost in visibility + authority? It’s time to host a bundle. Go behind the scenes of an actual bundle launch – see the revenue, profit, and the highs + lows
You wake up
TO this
A certified funnel strategist and Thrivecart-obsessed pro. I create straightforward, innovative digital products that help you create + sell more digital products without getting bogged down by tech overwhelm and details.
I know how daunting it can feel to step back from your done-for-you biz to focus on digital products, or to take yourself out of the day-to-day grunt work and let your funnels run on autopilot.
When I’m not cooking up a new Thrivecart template (you’ll get first dibs, promise!), creating my next that-was-easier-than-I-thought tech training, or guiding folks through hosting their first wildly profitable paid digital product bundle, find me chasing waterfalls in upstate New York.
If you're looking for the right mix between simple tech solutions and marketing + sales ideas to help you sell more digital products without having to do more, you're in the right place.
Cool – hop on the list here and be the first to hear about new trainings, must-have tech, clever ways to leverage the tech you have, and marketing strategies I only share with my email list